An open hall of approximately 50 feet x 20 feet equipped with a BBQ place is provided for the convenience of our guests. Here you can sit back and relax while being accompanied by beautiful natural melodies. A special platform overlooking the river and overlooking the greenery of the hills and mountains is a wonderful place to immortalize as a wonderful memory of your holiday.



Swimming pool in the village area? Yes, at CINTA ABADI RESORT we built a swimming pool as an added convenience for our guests to enjoy a vacation here. 2 types of pool sizes are provided for you and your family to enjoy the beauty of nature while swimming.

The depth of our pool are:

Adult pool 4 feet deep

Children's pool 2.5 feet deep



Located by the river next to the resort. This toilet is provided for the convenience of guests cleaning themselves after bathing in the river. It is equipped with a sitting toilet and shower. The uniqueness of this toilet is built without a roof where guests can feel how the villagers' toilets in the past.




Does the younger generation know these proverbs?

At CINTA ABADI RESORT we create a special well for the younger generation to get to know and feel the experience of how to scoop water from the well and enjoy the freshness of the water. Obtaining well water requires practical skills, not just theories that can be learned in the classroom.

While Malaysia was still not developed around the 60s and there were no water piping facilities, wells were the main source of water supply for daily use such as cooking, washing and as a source of drinking water.

Usually the government provides several wells for the use of a new village only. The villagers in the suburb will dig their own wells with only walled soil without troughs for their daily use. However, for cooking and drinking purposes, wells are usually dug and placed in troughs to ensure that the water is clear and suitable for cooking and beverage use.